White Crane Martial Arts
Women's Self Defense & Fitness

Welcome To White Crane Martial Arts
David Lewis
Instructor / 3rd  Dan Black Belt

Do Jang Procedures
1. All students are expected to follow these procedures for the good of all students.
2. All students are to be registered through Parks & Rec. and appear on enrollment sheet.
3. Upon entering or leaving the training area, all students are to come to attention, bow to the flags. 
4. If late for class, the student is to wait until given permission to join class.
5. Remove shoes and place out of workout area.
6. At the beginning of class, the instructor will call the command of "Chul sah!" and students will line up.
7. If the head-instructor enters while an assistant is leading class, the class will be called to attention and bow to the head-instructor.
8. Always train with a good attitude.
9. Be respectful.
10. Execute a bow after working with a partner.
11. If a student must straighten his uniform, he should turn away from the instructor to do so.
12. Help prep our workout area before and clean up after class.
13. Arrive to class on time.
14. Training is demanding so don't waste time, always help your fellow student.
15. Remember you are here to learn and not to gratify your ego.
16. No one is allowed to eat, drink, or chew gum in the training area.  Water bottles are allowed.
17. No jewelry is to be worn while training. The only exceptions to this are wedding rings.
18. Fingernails and toenails must be kept trimmed. Personal hygiene is to be maintained.
19. Warm-up and cool-down exercises must be performed before and after class to prevent injuries.
20. All instructors are to be addressed as Mr. or Ms.

Martial Arts Rituals and Traditions
BOWING: In the Orient, bowing is a sign of respectful greeting.  Bowing to instructors and fellow students is a sign of respectful greeting. Bowing to the United States flag shows respect for the nation we live in.
Uniforms: Uniforms are purchased through the instructor who will assist you in selecting the correct size for you.  Students wear white uniforms.  If a student has not yet purchased a uniform it is recommended the student wear all white or all black for example; white t-shirt and white sweats pants
BELTS: Many people, including martial artists, are confused about belts and their colors. For many centuries, the belt did not signify rank. Different systems use different colors. Most Chinese martial arts don't use belts but use sashes instead. In Japanese martial arts, the belt was used to keep the jacket closed and was white. With years of practice, the belt would become soiled and stained and would eventually turn black. The colors used in the Korean martial arts are based on the colored robes worn by the different classes of royalty in the ancient kingdom of Silla
MEDITATION: Meditation is used in the martial arts for several purposes. Before class, it is used to clear the mind of the clutter of daily activities and to open the mind to the lessons to be learned in class. Meditation is used before breaking to shut out distractions and to focus the mind on the task of breaking an object. Certain activities, such as practicing forms, also serves as meditation in motion. Lastly, meditation is used to call up and focus the body's store of internal energy {ki or chi).

YELLING (KIHAP):The yells serve several functions. Yells are designed to unite the internal spiritual energy, ki, with external physical energy. During sparring and self-defense, kihaps are used to insure that the abdominal muscles are tensed and able to withstand a blow. Kihaps can also be used as self- defense techniques --a sudden loud kihap will often cause an attacker to momentarily pause in his attack.

The Code of the HwaRang
1. Be loyal to your country.
2. Be obedient to your parents.
3. Have faith and honor among friends.
4. Perseverance in battle.
5. Justice --never cause unneeded

Forms are a set pattern of movements that are intended to show the students understanding of technique.  To improve their forms, the student needs to work towards crisp, sharp movements that have the correct stance and properly executed kicks, strikes and/or blocks.

One Step Sparring/Il Soo Shik
One step sparring is intended to show the student's ability to apply techniques against a real person.  While there is no or very light contact made during the execution of the techniques, all movements again should be crisp and sharp with the intended target or action obvious.

The Art and Science of Self-Defense
Self-defense is simply the act of protecting oneself, one's family or friends or one's home. It does not mention the necessity for causing an attacker permanent physical harm, the need to repeatedly strike an attacker as he is attempting to flee, or anything that will land him in the hospital and you in jail.  Our rule of thumb is this: Use only the amount of force that is absolutely necessary to stop an attack.

The Defensive Zone
Every minute of the day, we are surrounded by an area called the "defensive zone." The defensive zone is easy to measure. It extends above, below, and in all directions around you for as far as you can reach with your hands and feet. Simply put, if you can touch it, it is in your defensive zone.

Code Of Self-Defense
1. Run, rather than hurt.
2. Hurt, rather than maim.
3. Maim rather than kill.
4. Kill, rather than be killed:
Self preservation comes

Do Jang Commands :                                General Terminology :                      Technique:  
Chul sah           line up                                    Dojang            school                       Chagi              kick     
Cha ryut           attention stance                     Sah bum         instructor                   Hah dan         low
Kyung yet         bow                                        Do bok            uniform                      Chung dan     middle
Chun bee        ready                                       Dee                 belt                             Sang dan       upper
Baro                 return to Chun bee                Hyung              form; pattern

Remember: there is no honor in defeating a much-weaker opponent; your real opponent is lack of self-control.

Regardless of how much turmoil surrounds a hurricane, the center is always calm.