Yellow One Steps

Il Soo Shik
 Step w/L foot  L front  N  L. rising block and R. punch to nose
 Step w/L foot  L front  N  L. rising block and R. punch to nose
   L front  N Swing the R. hand behind their biceps, Rake down, lock your L. hand from in front of their wrist with your R. hand behind their biceps
Pivot W  L foot only  W Bring R knee up, step back under their R leg to lift their leg and roll them down to floor
   Deep L front  W  Punch to face
 Step w/L foot  L front  N  L. rising block and R. punch to nose
   L front  N With your left hand, grab your opponent's right wrist and swing clockwise to the bottom of the arc. Grasp their wrist with both hands.
Swing your right foot behind and to your left into a Yan Kul stance Horse  SW Crouch below your opponent's arm while you do so.
  Horse  SW Place their arm on your shoulder above the elbow and stand.
 Step w/L foot  L front  N  L. rising block and R. punch to nose
   L front  N With your left hand, grab your opponent's right wrist and swing clockwise to the bottom of the arc. Grasp their wrist with both hands.
Swing your R foot behind and to your L into a kneeling position with your Rknee down On R knee  NW Pull your opponent's arm back and down until they are on the ground
  On R knee  NW Hold their right arm to your L. knee and punch to the face.
 Step w/R foot  R front  N  L. rising block and R. punch to nose
   R front  N With your left hand, grab your opponent's right wrist and swing counter clockwise to the bottom of the arc. Grasp their wrist with both hands.
Swing your L foot behind and to your R into a kneeling position with your L knee down On L knee  NE Pull your opponent's arm back and down until they are on the ground
  On R knee  NW Hold their right arm to your R. knee and punch to the face.
 Step R  R Front stance  NE  R outside-in block
 Pivot stance  L Front stance  SW  L low punch
 Pivot stance  R Front stance  NE  R high punch
 Half step in and back w/L foot    NW  
     NW  R round house kick to kidney or head
7  Step L  L Front stance  NW  L outside-in block
 Pivot stance  R Front stance  SE  R low punch
 Pivot stance  L Front stance  NW  L high punch
 Half step in and back w/R foot    NE  
     NE  L side kick to armpit

Revised 9/13