Blue One Steps

Il Soo Shik
 L high block, R low open hand block
L front stance
Start from ChunBe, step out with L foot into front stance and block
 R high block, L low open hand block
L back stance
 Hop back
L front stance
 Bring R hand down out infront of R shoulder
 R front kick to solar plexus
 L reverse punch to face
R front stance
 R high block, L punch to short ribs
R front stance
 Start from ChunBe, step out with R foot into front stance and block
 Grab attacking wrist w/R
R front stance
 After block grab their wrist drawing L hand back then lift and rotate their arm down across your R knee while you drop your L knee to the floor
 Chop to neck
L knee kneel
 Release their wrist circle your R hand into a chop to the neck while pressing down on their arm w/your L forearm
 R high block, L punch to short ribs
R front stance
 Start from ChunBe, step out with R foot into front stance and block
 Grab attacking wrist w/R
R front stance
 After block grab their wrist drawing L hand back then lift and rotate their arm down
 Hop over back
L back stance
 Hop over their back holding onto their wrist settling into a back stance
 Step w/L foot
L front
 L. rising block and R. punch to nose
 Grab wrist
L front
 Step through
 Step to NW under their arm w/ R foot then bring L foot through to end in a R front stance facing E
R front stance
 Ridge hand to throat            \
 Knife hand to throat              -- three options
 Hammer fist to solar plexus  /
 R outside/inside block
R front
Start from ChunBe, step out with R foot into back stance and block
Horse stance
 Hop back into horse stance with hands chambered on R hip
 Grab and punch
Horse stance
 W/O changing stance grab punching hand w/L hand while punching solar plexus w/R fist
 Draw R hand back into open hand chamber
 Twist into deep L front stance
 Pull w/L hand while executing spear hand to throat
 L front kick to solar plexus
 R back stance
 Land w/L foot pointing to 9:00
 R round house to face
 Land w/R foot pointing to 6:00
 L counterclockwise inside/outside kick
 Land in a R back stance
 L reverse middle punch
 Lunge as needed to connect w/punch
 R front kick to solar plexus
 L back stance
 Land w/R foot pointing to 9:00
 L round house to face
 Land w/L foot pointing to 6:00
 R counterclockwise inside/outside kick
 Land in a Lback stance
 R reverse middle punch
 Lunge as needed to connect w/punch


 Hop and Block
R cat stance
 From ChunBe hop back to 8:00 while executing and open R hand inside/outside block
 R round house kick
 Grab wrist and execute a R round house to solar plexus
 R crescent kick
 Without setting foot down execute a R inside/outside crescent kick to face (releasing then regrabbing their wrist)
 L leg sweep to ankle
 Grab their R shoulder then execute a L leg sweep
 Follow-up R punch
 Follow them down w/R punch to face
9  Hop and Block
L cat stance
 From ChunBe hop back to 4:00 while executing and open L hand inside/outside block
 L round house kick
 Grab wrist and execute a L round house to solar plexus
 L crescent kick
 Without setting foot down execute a L inside/outside crescent kick to face (releasing then regrabbing their wrist)
 R leg sweep to ankle
 Grab their L shoulder then execute a R leg sweep
 Follow-up L punch
 Follow them down w/L punch to face

Revise 9/07