Start / preparation |
Feet together
L hand over R fist |
Assisted R AhnesuPahkuro block | N | Cross legged stance | Draw hands down L while twisting body, hop out w/R foot L foot behind while executing an assisted inside/outside block |
L AhnesuPahkuro block | S | L front stance | Step to rear w/L foot |
R reverse AhnesuPahkuro block | S | L front stance | |
L reverse AhnesuPahkuro block | N | R front stance | Move R foot straight E while pivoting toward front then execute |
R AhnesuPahkuro block | N | R front stance | |
R HaDan maki around R knee | E | ||
R PahkesuAhnuro block | E | R front stance | |
L reverse AhnesuPahkuro block | E | R front stance | |
Preparation | N | Horse stance | Chamber hands on R hip palms facing each other |
L knife hand strike | N | Horse stance | |
L KongKyuk | N | Horse stance | |
L AhnesuPahkuro block | N | Horse stance | Twist toward L but keep feet still |
R KongKyuk | N | Horse stance | |
R AhnesuPahkuro block | N | Horse stance | Twist toward L but keep feet still |
R SooDo maki | N | R back stance | |
L SooDo maki | N | L back stance | |
R SooDo maki | N | R back stance | |
L SooDo maki | N | L back stance | Step back to execute |
SooDo SangDan Maki | N | Cross step stance | Step forward with R foot behind L and execute a high assisted block with palms facing away |
Yup Chagi | N | Side kick to N | |
L SooDo Maki | S | L back stance | Come down from previous kick into double knife hand strike facing S |
R SooDo Maki | S | R back stance | |
Preparation | S | Feet together | Pull R foot back, hands low in front as in ChunBe |
Double SangDan Pahkuro block | S | Feet together | Both hands move up in front of body then execute a double outside high block |
Double hammer fist | S | R front stance | Circle arms around to outside and down executing a double hammer fist attack to low ribs |
R Kong Kyuk | S | R front stance | Jump forward and execute a R front punch |
Preparation | N | L back stance | Pivot 180° execute L knife hand |
R reverse SooDo HaDan Maki | N | L front stance | Adjust to L front stance while executing a low open hand strike |
R SangDan/ L HaDan Maki | N | L back stance | Adjust to L back stance while executing a high R rear block and a low L front block |
31 | Preparation | N | Feet together | Move L foot to R |
32 | R PahkesuAhnuro Chagi | N | Execute a R outside/inside kick while pivoting body from E to W | |
33 | R HaDan Maki | N | Horse stance | With R foot chambered on L knee prepare then execute a low block as stepping into horse stance |
34 | Preparation |
Horse stance
Cross arms in front of chest R hand upper and close fist, L hand lower and open |
35 | PahkesuAhnuro Chagi/PalCoop |
Horse stance
Spinning 180° executing a R outside inside crescent kick striking L hand following with R elbow striking L hand landing in horse stance |
36 | HaDan Makis | E | Horse stance | Execute three low strikes from the elbow strike position in a 1 pause 2,3 cadence |
37 | SangDan/ChoongDan Kong Kyuk | S | R front stance | Double punch with L high R middle |
38 | Preparation | S | Feet together | Pull R foot back to L foot, chamber hands on L hip, shift chamber to R hip |
39 | L PahkesuAhnuro Chagi SangDan/ChoongDan Kong Kyuk | S | L front stance | Execute L outside/inside crescent kick followed by double punch with R high L middle |
40 | Preparation | S | Feet together | Pull L foot back to R foot, chamber hands on R hip, shift chamber to L hip |
41 | R PahkesuAhnuro Chagi SangDan/ChoongDan Kong Kyuk | S | R front stance | Execute R outside/inside crescent kick followed by double punch with L high R middle |
42 | R HaDan Maki | N | Deep L front stance | Pivot counter-clockwise 270° into a deep low L front stance and execute a R inside/outside low strike ending with the hand low in a back fist motion |
43 | L HaDan Maki | N | Deep R front stance | Pivot clockwise 180° into a deep low R front stance and execute a L inside/outside low strike ending with the hand low in a back fist motion |
44 | R SooDo Maki | N | R back stance | Step forward w/R foot and execute a R double open hand strike |
45 | R SooDo Maki | E | R back stance | Draw R foot back then step out to E and execute a R double open hand strike |
46 | L SooDo Maki | N | L back stance | Step N w/L foot and execute a L double open hand strike |
47 | Bar | N | Basai Jase | Draw L foot back into a Basai stance |