Yellow One Steps
Il Soo Shik |
Movement |
Stance |
Facing |
Action |
Step w/L foot | L front | N | L. rising block and R. punch to nose |
Step w/L foot | L front | N | L. rising block and R. punch to nose |
L front | N | Swing the R. hand behind their biceps, Rake down, lock your L. hand from in front of their wrist with your R. hand behind their biceps | ||
Pivot W | L foot only | W | Bring R knee up, step back under their R leg to lift their leg and roll them down to floor | |
Deep L front | W | Punch to face | ||
Step w/L foot | L front | N | L. rising block and R. punch to nose |
L front | N | With your left hand, grab your opponent's right wrist and swing clockwise to the bottom of the arc. Grasp their wrist with both hands. | ||
Swing your right foot behind and to your left into a Yan Kul stance | Horse | SW | Crouch below your opponent's arm while you do so. | |
Horse | SW | Place their arm on your shoulder above the elbow and stand. | ||
Step w/L foot | L front | N | L. rising block and R. punch to nose |
L front | N | With your left hand, grab your opponent's right wrist and swing clockwise to the bottom of the arc. Grasp their wrist with both hands. | ||
Swing your R foot behind and to your L into a kneeling position with your Rknee down | On R knee | NW | Pull your opponent's arm back and down until they are on the ground | |
On R knee | NW | Hold their right arm to your L. knee and punch to the face. | ||
Step w/R foot | R front | N | L. rising block and R. punch to nose |
R front | N | With your left hand, grab your opponent's right wrist and swing counter clockwise to the bottom of the arc. Grasp their wrist with both hands. | ||
Swing your L foot behind and to your R into a kneeling position with your L knee down | On L knee | NE | Pull your opponent's arm back and down until they are on the ground | |
On R knee | NW | Hold their right arm to your R. knee and punch to the face. |
Revised 1/14