Green One Steps

Il Soo Shik
 Step w/L foot  L front
L. out block. R. middle punch. L. middle punch,
R. high punch
 Start  L back
Step w/R Front kick  R front
Reverse front kick,
   R front
L. low punch, R. middle punch, L. high punch
 Start  R back
 Step w/L foot  stepping through
L outside/inside cresent kick
   R front
R round house
   R front
R chop to neck, L upper cut to arm pit, R back fist to temple
 Step back w/R foot  L front
 Trap fist w/L on top
Stepping through  
Reverse front kick to arm pit, land R foot at 11:00 then step under arm with L foot into a horse stance behind opponent striking with L elbow to arm pit
L open hand to arm pit, L back fist to temple, rise up bring L elbow down on spine Yankul
Pull your opponent's arm back and down until they are on the ground
 Trap the punching arm between your R hand on the far side of your opponents fist and your L hand on the near side of your opponents elbow L back stance N  Start in ChunBe and trap while step to L
 Hold your opponents hand with your R hand and execute a L open hand strike to their arm pit L back stance N  
 Switch holding hands and execute a R punch to arm pit L front stance N  Shift stance while executing strike
 Grab sleeve with R hand R middle roundhouse   N  Adjust stance as needed
Pivot direction to W by raising R knee in preparation   W sweep the opponents R. leg from behind with your R. leg and
Extend R leg into deep front stance taking opponent down Deep L front stance W take them down. R. punch to the face.

Revised 1/14