White Crane M.A.
 White Crane/Traditions
Traditions M.A.
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Tang Soo Do / Tai Kwon Do Instructors

Master Dave Lewis first started studying Tae Kwon Do in 1984. Since then he has studied Tae Kwon Do, Ryu Kyu Kempo, Tang Soo Do, Hapkido, and Tai Chi. He established White Crane Martial Arts in 2004 to teach Tai Chi and is currently managing Traditions Martial Arts. He earned his 1st degree black belt in 2002 and currents holds a 5th degree in Tang Soo Do.

Mr. Lewis teaches Tang Soo Do, Tai Kwon Do, self-defense, and Tai Chi.


Ms. Friddle started martial arts training in 2000. She has studied Tae Kwon Do and Tang Soo Do. She earned her 1st degree black belt in 2005. Ms Friddle earned her 2nd degree black belt 2009 and her 3rd degree in 2012.

Ms Friddle teaches Tang Soo Do and self-defense.

Ms. Doty earned her 2nd degree black belt in 2015.

Ms. Doty teaches Tang Soo Do and Tai Chi.

Ms. Linda Doty

Ms. Ripley earned her 2nd degree black belt in 2015.

Ms. Ripley teaches Tang Soo Do, self-defense, and Tai Chi.


Ms. Melissa Ripley

Ms. Batchelor earned her 2nd degree black belt in 2016.

Ms. Batchelor teaches Tang Soo Do and self-defense.


Ms. Kit Batchelor

Mr. Venditti earned his 1st degree black belt in 2014.

Mr. Venditti teaches Tang Soo Do.

Mr. David Venditti

Mr. Dominguez earned his 1st degree black belt in 2015.

Mr. Dominguez teaches Tang Soo Do.



Mr. Riely Dominguez

Mr. Wellington earned his 1st degree black belt in 2016.

Mr. Wellington teaches Tang Soo Do.


Mr. Von Wellington

Mr. Adam Nihart earned his 1st degree black belt in 2016.

Mr. Nihart teaches Tang Soo Do.


Mr. Adam Nihart

Mr. Hebdon earned his 1st degree black belt in Tang Soo Do in 2017. He also holds a 1st degree in Tae Kwon Do.

Mr. Hebdon teaches Tang Soo Do.

Mr. Lance Hebdon

Junior Black Belt Instructors

Mr. Wellington earned his 1st degree black belt in 2016.

Mr. Wellington assists teaching Tang Soo Do.

Mr. Derek Wellington

Mr. Nihart earned his 1st degree black belt in 2016.

Mr. Nihart assists teaching Tang Soo Do

Mr. Justin Nihart

Mr. Wellington earned his 1st degree black belt in 2017.

Mr. Wellington assists teaching Tang Soo Do.

Mr. Nate Wellington

Ms. Kinney earned his 1st degree black belt in 2017.

Ms. Kinney assists teaching Tang Soo Do.

Ms. Savannah Kinney

Mr. Wellington earned his 1st degree black belt in 2017.

Mr. Wellington assists teaching Tang Soo Do.

Mr. Tim Hebdon

Mr. Massimino earned his 1st degree black belt in 2017.

Mr. Massimino assists teaching Tang Soo Do.

Mr. Vincent Massimino

Previous Traditions Black Belt Instructors
Ms. Elisabeth Erberich Leonard 2nd Degree
Mr. Brian Lewis 2nd Degree
Ms. Kayla White 1st Degree
Ms. Mayra Delgado 1st Degree
Mr. Quaid Murray 1st Degree
Ms. Sierra Tuttle 1st Degree
Ms.Mary Chapman 1st Degree
Mr. Mike Lady 1st Degree
Mr. Ian Delgado 1st Degree - Junior Black Belt
Mr. Max Levanger 1st Degree - Junior Black Belt
Ms. Leah Batchelor 1st Degree - Junior Black Belt
Ms. Gillian Venditti 1st Degree - Junior Black Belt
Mr. Joshua Lady 1st Degree - Junior Black Belt
Mr. Luke Lady 1st Degree - Junior Black Belt



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